
Forest Of Dean - images

Before I describe some of the images in 'The Secret Forest of Dean' all of the images in this book have a square framing, and a more rectangular framing and this shows it was originally a medium format negative, and as we know you can enlarge to a bigger scale and show so much more detail in medium format, rather than 35mm so she wanted to show the textures and details in all of her images. 

Fence, Russell's Enclosure P.13
This is the first image of the series in the book and as you can see it is a beautifully thought out image. The strong light trail makes it feel almost heaven like and with the sun beaming down on the fence, we want to go through it and explore this ideal location. It really does draw the viewer in. In her notes, she tells us this area is being allowed to regenerate and the sheep aren't allowed here but deer are and this makes the landscape, to me, seem more beautiful and picturesque because of the beauty of deer’s compared to sheep.  

Near Blackpool Bridge P.31
Jim Hoare, Sheep Badger P.35

Coalway Annual sheep Market P.37
Spruce, Mallards Pike P.25

A lot of her images show overgrown, wild areas of woodland with beautiful sunshine rays creating so much contrast and texture, focusing on the importance of wildlife and the forest itself. She also captures wildlife roaming free, and also sheep and their farmers and farm land that surround the forest, she captures the farmers and characters which help the traditional British landscape thriving, old buildings and bridges that are overgrown and unused but add curiosity to the location. She has really mingled well with the farmers and workers of the area, asked about what they do when they aren’t working and interested in why families with caravans camp here. When it was busy with tourists she took advantage and photographed them, when it was more quiet in the winter she photographed the landscape more and shows up the change in seasons.  

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